Apply to the GIV token distribution white list!

5 min readSep 23, 2020


Dear GIV Guild,

The highly anticipated GIV public sale is coming very soon. Exact listing date, time, location, numbers, and logistics will be announced in the coming days.

Over the last few weeks, excited community members have been asking us about how they can acquire GIV and make sure that they receive an allocation during the public sale. As a token of appreciation to our community and those who have been following GIV closely, we would like to share an opportunity for our community members to secure a guaranteed allocation in our public sale (at initial public sale price of 0.0065 USD/GIV) through a whitelisting event. To ensure fairness, we will be setting up a lottery event for the whitelist applicants.

Due to regulatory uncertainty, citizens and residents of the following countries will not be permitted to participate in this event.
- Canada
- People’s Republic of China
- Hong Kong SAR
- Persons subject to, or nationals of countries subject to, OFAC sanctions

If you are from another country, we strongly advise you to observe and comply with local regulations and laws in your respective jurisdiction.

To make preparations for our public sale simple, here is a recap of what you’ll need to prepare to have a successful application.

General information

- The application opening time will be September 24 2020, at 20:00 HKT.

- The link to the whitelist application will be published at 20:00 HKT on our official CryptoLocally (GIV) Telegram group ONLY.

- We will be using Google Forms to facilitate the applications.

- You will need to sign up on CryptoLocally and find your 5-digit referral code from the earn page (e.g. JITj2). If you do not provide a valid code on the application, your submission will not be considered.

- Duplicate submissions by the same person will nullify all of their applications. Any bot submissions detected will also be discarded.

- Have KYC information ready (passport, driver’s license, government ID, etc)

- Please ensure that you are following the official CryptoLocally (GIV) Telegram group by clicking the link below:

Lottery event

100 out of the first 3,000 registered users will be whitelisted for GIV public sale.

As mentioned earlier, we will be using a lottery system to determine the community members that receive a guaranteed allocation. The process is as follows:

  1. At 20:00 HKT on September 24, 2020, the link to the Google Form application will be published in our Telegram group. Participants must fill in the required information and submit the form.
  2. Applications will be accepted from 20:00 to 21:00, OR until 3,000 applications are met. Any application that does not meet these conditions will not be considered.
  3. At 21:00, we will estimate the winning block height of the Ethereum blockchain at approximately 22:00. This block height will be announced as the “winning block” number.
  4. The last digit of the winning block hash will be used to determine the winners for round 1. Applicants whose last digit of the hexadecimal value of their CryptoLocally referral code matches the last digit of the winning block hash will win the first round.
  5. If the number of winners from the first round exceeds 100, we will select the true winners of the round by selecting the 100 applicants with the highest aggregate volume (in USD terms) on CryptoLocally. If there is a tie, we will order the applicants in the winning pool in chronological order (based on when they completed the application), and fill out the remainder of the 100 winners starting from the earliest applicant.
  6. If the number of winners in round 1 is less than 100, we will repeat steps 4 and 5 with the nth round comparing the nth to last digit of the winning block hash and referral code. If after the 5th round a total of 100 winners have not been reached, we will use the method in step 5 to determine the remaining winners.
  7. The list of final winners will be announced at 23:00 HKT on CryptoLocally’s Resources repository on GitHub:
  8. In order to secure their allocation, winners will have to submit their KYC information to within 12 hours of the announcement. The KYC information will have to match the full name provided in the public sale application. An example of a correct KYC submission will be provided on the same GitHub repository. Those that are not on the winner’s list should NOT send KYC information.
    You can find how to pass the KYC verification here:
  9. For those that pass the KYC, we will send an email to the same email address provided on the public sale application, informing the winner of the crowdfunding wallet address. We may take until Friday 9:00AM HKT to complete the KYC verifications. The winners will then have 12 hours from the time of the email to send 100 USDT-ERC20 using the same wallet address provided in the original application.
  10. The GIV allocation for the winners will be credited to their respective CryptoLocally accounts connected to their referral codes provided in the application. This will occur at the end of the public sale.


The information on the whitelist application form submissions will be uploaded to GitHub after redacting identifying information for the purpose of transparency.

Required information for registration:

  • Full name
  • E-mail address
  • CryptoLocally referral code
  • ERC20 wallet address
  • Country of residence
  • Country of citizenship

Required information for KYC

KYC is required for the 100 winners that will receive a GIV allocation. The following documents will be required in order to complete the KYC process:

  • Name
  • Birthdate
  • Government ID number
  • Residential Address
  • Country of citizenship

NOTE: Your private information may be collected and will not be shared without prior consent.

About CryptoLocally (GIV)

CryptoLocally is a smart contract powered P2P exchange. CryptoLocally already has a 15,000+ user base and has grown rapidly in the last few months to achieve its mission of making crypto and DeFi accessible to everyone.

Through its non-custodial smart contract escrows that facilitate secure trades on-chain, and its ability to support transactions from multiple blockchains (Ethereum, Binance Chain, Tron and EOS.IO). The platform’s recent addition of DeFi capabilities with its Finance Wallet has made access to DeFi easier than ever for its users.

Looking forward

To stay updated on CryptoLocally (GIV), follow us on:










Written by Cryptolocally

The first fully decentralised P2P crypto trading platform!

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